Our team has served 1,350+ Clients & executed 3200+ Assignments in the last 10 years. For each assignment (Corporate or Personal) we have dedicated experts for Client Communication & Consulting. Our Clients are quality oriented People/Brands who Invest/Partner with us for Premium Experience + Visuals (Photography | Framing | 4K Cinematic Film). Our team is not suitable for those looking for basic/average quality. We are selective about whom with partner with / our Clients.
Namaste! We are a team of expert + passionate Photo Artists, Cinematographers, Editors & Creative Artists who Create Effective Visual Content for Your Professional & Personal Branding. The team is backed by experienced Client Consultants
We are selective about whom with partner with / our Clients. The FMW Team can be your right partner only if you -
Are looking for a market trusted + premium service provider & have checked our work + reviews before calling
Have allocated a respectable budget after Market Research (& not just a random amount)
Wish to work with a Brand & not a freelancer/fresher
Looking to get guidance/consulting from experts & not just a cheaper option
Are a person who values the artistic side of photography/films & the time + resources invested in becoming a pro